Read more about how to get a girlfriend here.
If you’re not seriously committed, not much of this is going to help you get a girlfriend. T his rule is here because, and this is coming from my real experiences as a nice guy, we tend to judge couples all too often when we feel like we can not get a girlfriend. Taking responsibility in part means to stop placing blame on others.
Girls want to feel appreciated and valued and if they think they are a short term sex object, you will never score. If you are slider by trade that approaches multiple women at a time, you’re on your own. Lie in your bed and be happy. It’s not that you have to dress or act like a certain guy, that’s just too hard.
Sweatpants are to be worn in few circumstances – if you’re hungover, going to the gym or going to the airport. That’s about it, really.
Don’t treat the service people badly. Many women have been involved in the service industry before in one capacity or another, and if they see you treating another individual in a demanding manner, they will often read that as a sign of the demanding individual you may become later in the relationship.
You were born with them. It cannot be learned or explained. It’s damned if you do, damned if you don’t. So while I appreciate the time and effort you put into writing such a heartwarming, fairytale love story, I must say touché good sir. You win.
Having the actual question planned out will give you a goal to reach when you start talking to her. For instance, if you know that you want to say, “Sarah, I just really like spending time with you and I want you to be my girlfriend,” it can help guide your conversation. If she doesn’t respond or seems upset when you try to flirt, it could be a sign that she’s not interested in being your girlfriend right now. But that’s okay! Who knows, things could change in time.
And that’s ok — that’s part of the process and it might be something you need to do just like I did. Women are drawn to people who believe in themselves. Who know what they want.
There is no need to involve your family of any sorts for at least a few months. And moving in shouldn’t be considered until a year or so. Don’t wait too long though. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. And a girl who is interested in you and thinks that you don’t want to have sex with her will be furious indeed.
Well you have to be a man that isn’t afraid of showing his desires. Read how to be the man that women desire.